Thursday, 23 September 2021

Walkman One for NW-A50Series

The Walkman One firmware is now available for the NW-A50Series players.

Thanks again to Nayparm at for his generous donation of a WM1A (after having to sell mine, unfortunately).

This firmware integrates the Midnight and Dawn sound signatures as "Warm" and "Bright", and adds a "Neutral" sound signature, as well as the WM1Z sound.

The Bright/Dawn signature that can be found in this firmware was not previously released as standalone.

The "Neutral" sound signature is a combination of Midnight and Dawn.

You can choose your sound signature from the settings file.

If you're using some other custom firmware on the A50, you'll first have to revert to stock, using the StockRevert package made for your installed firmware.

For more info about the settings file, firmware installation and reverting stock, and more, please check out the FAQ section.

I hope you'll like it! :)


  1. Can I use this on my nw a40

    1. Nope, this is for the A50.

      This firmware, but for A40, will probably come tomorrow.

  2. Hey, ! When I tried using the WM1Z sound signature It wouldn't play my songs and simply said a message saying "can't play this song" not sure if it's something on my end or if you encountered this too.

    1. I got no issues myself. Try doing a database rebuild or something.

  3. Works perfectly now thank you! The last question I have involves the Equalizer settings, and what you have your own set to? I know direct sound is an option but I'd love to get the most out of these settings if you don't mind :) ?

  4. Awesome update! Love the colorful icons sets! Is there a way to change the color to my own one though?

    1. Unfortunately no, they're built into the firmware.

      I'll see if there's a way to change the colors.

  5. Hi, MrWalkman! I want to use an old firmware "DMP-A50 FE v2", but the download page was deleted. Would you please tell me how to get the firmware? Thank you.

    1. Hey, A50 FEv2 doesn't bring any big sound quality improvements, and the installation is more stable with this last firmware.

      As it says in the website banner ("for music"), the goal is to achieve great sound quality, hence why older versions are not available.

      The FEv2 sound signature is available as "Bright" in the Walkman One firmware.

  6. I understand what you say. I want FEv2 firmware because I want to use noise canceling and FM radio, and FEv2 keeps the options of the normal mode.

    1. Yes, but what's the point of modding the stock A50 firmware if sound improvements are negligible? One could just use the normal stock firmware instead.

    2. OK, I understand you. Thank you.

  7. Just upgraded from you the firmware at the beginning of the year... wow! You have outdone yourself once again! Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

      I wish more people would give this a try, as it's much better than the one at the beginning of the year.

  8. I suppose it's nice having more settings to adjust, but many of them seem non functional, and I personally do not prefer having the file format/bit-rate and constant volume bar at the top of the screen.
    I wish I could turn that off in some way.

    Additionally, removal of the FM radio is frustrating, even if it is not a feature I use very frequently...

    I'll give it a try, but I may revert to an older version of the custom firmware...

    1. Hey, the info bar as well as the volume bar it's how it is on the WM1A/Z firmware, and they cannot be removed. I only barely managed to make the UI fit correctly on the screen, as the A55 screen is just a bit smaller than the WM1A/Z one.

      Same goes for the FM radio function - this function is not available on the WM1A/Z players.

      An older custom firmware will never sound as good as this one, but it's your decision.
