Monday, 7 October 2024

MDR Proxy - app update (October 7th, 2024)

The (now) Sound Connect app can be found in the MDR Proxy download zip.

It all works basically as before.

I hope I'll find more time for other things around here too... In the meanwhile, take care, and see you soon :)


  1. Hi! I’ve been following your work for a few months since I lost one of my Linkbuds S earbuds. I bought a replacement earbud, but they have different firmware versions. Is there a way to update just one of the earbuds? I understand it might not be possible because the update is done through the Sony app. Also, is there any alternative app to update them? Thank you so much for your work!

    1. Hey, what happens if you try to update only one of them? Does it show an error message?

      I don't have experience with having one bud on another version...

      As far as I know, there is no alternative option to update the firmware.

    2. Hello! Unfortunately, the app doesn't let me update just one earbud. When I try with just one earbud, the update doesn't start because the other one is missing. When I try with both, the installation gets canceled. At least, that's how it is with the iOS app.
      Thanks for your response.
