Sony NW-A50Series custom firmware

On this page you can find custom firmware for the Sony NW-A50Series Walkman players.

Walkman One - 4 sound signatures in one package

You can find previous StockRevert packages for NW-A50Series custom firmware, here.


  1. Hi...I'm quite a noob at this whole thing, so please excuse me if the following question seems silly: there's no way of modding in a search functionality into WM OS, right?

    1. Hey, the short answer is no, unfortunately.

    2. That is unfortunate. Love the sound, but the interface lacks.

  2. Hi does this work on A55? is that part of the A50 series? I assume yes, but its not mentioned so double checking.

    1. Hey, yes, the A50 Series includes A55, A56, and A57 (16GB, 32GB, and 64GB).

  3. Hi,
    Does your software unlock the EEC power limitation ?
    With regards

    1. Hey, nope.

      For that, you need to change the region to another one except CEW, using this tool:

  4. Silly question, but if I install this, will I lose my music? Or will it stay on the Walkman?

    1. If you install DMP-A50 FE, you won't lose the music, but if you install DMP-A50R FE, the internal storage will be formatted.

  5. Came here from Techmoan, installation was quick and the sound is amazing! Thank you very much.

  6. Does it has a problem with Japanese Walkman
    I buy this walkman here:
    I donated 3GBP already

    1. Really appreciate it!

      No, there will be no problem. The player's special buttons and color will still be there.

    2. Thank you very much,I will install firmware with Japan region right now.
      I don't serious about english lang interface

  7. My major issue with the A55 is that it sorts artists by last name without any way to change it to sort by first name from what I can tell. Is there anyway to change this?

    1. Unless there is really no setting to change that, I'm afraid I can't do anything to modify the player app.

  8. This custom firmware is excellent!! My A55 turned like DMP series. However, I am only a little disappointed that the CLEAR AUDIO PLUS function is no longer available; is it possible to replace the CLEAR AUDIO PLUS function with DIRECT SOURCE while keeping the other functions of the DMP series?

    1. If you want ClearAudio+, you can use the DMP-A50 FE firmware (not the R version). It won't have the extra visualizations, but you get back the FM radio or ClearAudio+.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Is there no difference in sound quality with the A50 firmware?

    1. There are people who can't notice differences between a Sony WM1A and a smartphone. If you don't notice any difference on your A50, then I'm just sorry :)

  10. I know this is almost off-topic but I'm trying anyway: is it possible (and if so, how) to use an A5x as a USB DAC, connected to an upstream transport e.g. a phone or a PC ?

    I know the other way around (connecting a DAC to the A5x) is possible - it requires a cable e.g. WMC-NWH10 or L27.

    1. Hey, yes, you can use the A5x as a DAC, as it has a function for it, called "USB DAC". After enabling it, you can connect it to your smartphone or to your PC.

  11. Love what you've done, thanks for your efforts, the sound is a major step up.I understand there is a tone control option along with the 10 band eq, but I'm darned if I can find them
    Thanks again.

    1. Hey, thanks!

      About Tone Control, I mentioned it in the "Features" part of the post:

      "- Tone Control (while in the EQ display, tap the bottom right button to switch to Tone Control)"

  12. I understand this firmware will unlock/open the FM receiver in an A55L. Will it unlock/open the BT receiver in an A55B?

    1. Hey, not exactly.

      The FM radio function will show up or not based on the current region set on the player.

      It may be the same with the BT receiver function, so go to and read the instructions there. First check what is the current region set on the player, and then change it to something else other than "CEW2" (which has no FM radio + volume limit).

      Feel free to let me know which is the current region which has no BT receiver.

  13. Thank you, is there a way to edit settings like sleep timer (so the options are smaller increments like 5, 10, etc)?

    1. At least for now, it's not possible without having access to the source code of the player app.

      I think that 15 seconds is already pretty good in my opinion anyway :)

  14. Hello, l felt lost some details from my music after upgrade
    but great job.

    1. Thanks.

      My experience is totally the opposite. It may also depend on the gear that you're using to listen.

      Make sure that you also installed the external tuning after installing the custom firmware.

  15. Hello, Is there any method to put language because I want Myanmar Unicode to display our Myanmar song names but Sony is not supported and only show up like a rectangle instead of characters. Thanks.

    1. Hey, I'm not sure if trying to "fix" the font in the firmware would the solution.

      There are characters in my language that can't be displayed, but that happens on lots of players, not only on the Sony one.

      So maybe the solution is to not use those special characters for your files, instead.

    2. Anyway, thanks for your kind reply.

  16. Are there problems with the battery, I mean that it runs out faster with the Costum firmware

  17. Are there any known battery life issues? I mean the runtime on my A50 is lower.

    1. I have no battery issues myself, so I'm not entirely sure what's the situation here.

      You could disable the Battery Care option, then completely discharge the battery (until the player can't turn on anymore), and then leave it charging to 100% without using it. This could help with the recalibration of the battery's capacity.

  18. The Great MandaviJanuary 09, 2021

    Hey there Mr Walkman,

    I bought the NW-A55L after reading the 'What HiFi' Review and it being the best for the price band.
    I got it to use doing street shows - juggling, fire etc ... on a 'Stuff and Things' PA - have you seen them?
    I think you'd like them.
    Amazing power for something so small.

    The initial sound from the Walkman was disappointing - especially after the reviews and expectations - listening to it without any EQ/Effects sounded thin and insubstantial.

    The Techmoan reassuring video, clear instructions and your firmware have transformed it into what I needed. Much appreciated!

    Thank you.
    The show will go on once again!!

    1. I'm really glad that you like it!

      And yes, as you can hear for yourself, these devices have great potential.

      I'm enjoying my WM1A so much, as well as my A45/A55.

  19. Hey man, I need some help with this, a couple of questions here. Can you help me out?

    1. Sure, feel free to send me an email (check the "Contact" page).

  20. Hi,thanks again for the firmware does the the DMP-A50 FE firmware make sound improvement over stock firmware. when using bt earbuds. or is it only with a wired connection and using equaliser.

    1. Hey, I'm not really sure if there are improvements when playing to BT headphones (theoretically there shouldn't).

      Also, you will get improvements while wired without necessarily needing to use Equalizer.

  21. Once I download the firmware and external tuning to my computer, how do I actually install it on the Walkman? Like, what folder do I move it to in my Walkman? I am a complete novice at this and really appreciate your help!

  22. Nevermind, I figured it out (it was easy, I feel so dumb). The new firmware did not correct my issue with album art unfortunately though.

    1. You could try doing a database rebuilding from Settings. Otherwise, everything works fine on my A50 and on other A50 players.

  23. Hey, the R version might sound better, or at least different a bit.

  24. Is there a Walkman A100 custom firmware upgrade?

    1. Hey, no. That player works differently.

  25. Dear MrWalkman,

    thank you for all the efforts you invested in the custom firmware versions. Today I tried the A50Z (non plus) and for me personally it sounds even better than the FE versions. A very nice experiment, maybe you will follow this path in future, too.

    Again thank you so much

  26. Dear Mr Walkman,

    Thanks for your great developments. I am a nobby and was wondering : is it possible to revert back to an old firmware ? I am asking this because on the sony webpage it is said that "After updating, the firmware cannot be reverted to an earlier version."


    1. Hey, each modified firmware here also comes with instructions on how to revert back to the stock firmware.

      So yes, you can go back to the official firmware.

  27. Will it be worth upgrading from the Sony nw a45 to the a55 for the a50z mod?

    1. A similar mod will come for the A40 as well, and it will be based on the A50 stock firmware (so there will be FM Radio for example, VPT Surround, DSEE AI, etc.).

      It's up to you, of course. A50 is a good device, and probably contains slightly better hardware, but A40 is not bad at all!

  28. I use the DMP-A50R FE with no problem.
    but you say "please use one of the stock based modified firmware versions".

    So.... Should I change 'the DMP-A50R FE firmware' to 'one of the stock based modified firmware versions'?

    1. I wonder too. I use DMP-A50R FE without problem at all.
      I will revert and update to new firmware mod for DSD support in Direct mode.

    2. You don't have to change. The message is for people who don't that firmware already installed.

  29. I make a donate to suport your great work

  30. I love your work. I have a question though, I have an Sony NW-A55L if I download a DMP-A50FE (v2) will I lose FM radio, will it lower volume or remove any existing device features?

    1. Hey, no, otherwise it would be mentioned on the firmware's page.

  31. I have a question about DMP-A50FE. Regarding something with MQA? It's my first time trying MQA files so I loaded some FLACs with MQA. It plays so it's supported at least, but my friends says that there is something called unfolding with MQA files. How far does the A55 "unfolds" the track? Or does is just play the file and disregard the MQA? Sorry this is my first time trying out MQA.

    1. Hey, MQA is unfolded for a maximum of 8x.

  32. Is it possible to add a feature to allow those us us who listen to podcasts and audio books to bookmark where we left off?

    1. Hey, unfortunately it's not possible to add new features in the interface.

  33. Hello Mr. Walkman,
    thank you for your helpful project.

    I own the A55LB and I regonized that the player can not remember the volume I choosed before shut off the player.
    I set to volume 100 and after turn off & on the player it is everytime again at volume 50.
    Ok it remembers the last track and his exact position that is perfect for audiobooks or dj sets. BTW I am using latest stock firmware atm.

    Is this issue same on your custom Firmware fpr A55 or will you plan that feature in furture?
    >>> remembering volume position after shut off player

    thank you very much


    1. Hey, no, it's not an issue with the firmware. The firmware will function exactly how the stock firmware functions.

      I don't really think this is a real issue to be honest.

    2. Rehi,
      thank you for your prompt reply. :-)

      let me explain what I mean.
      You listen to your music with your favourite sound level (100, 105 or 115) then shut down the player. But everytime you have to push the volume again to your favourite settings by pressing the + buttom.

      Same with a PC monitor. Would you like to do your preferred settings everytime you turn it on?
      Do you know what I mean. ;)

      The Question is, would it be easy or possible to put this feature in the next custom firmware by you?

    3. I know what you're saying.

      Unfortunately I can't do very much without access to the firmware's source code, so this is not possible.

  34. which firmware is best for someone who wants a lot of thumping bass

    1. I'm not sure what to say, both available firmwares have they own kind of presentation of everything sound related.

      I think it would be best to test them both and see what you like.

  35. Hi hope you can help me?

    I've installed the main firmware (FEv2) for my A55l and got the orange logo so assume its gone ok, but unable to do same for tuning package and getting following message?

    "Update will be terminated because the firmware data has collapsed. Redownload the program"

    I've disabled my Avast antivirus so dont know what more i can do, any help appreciated thanks.

    1. Hey, just take out the tuning folder out of the archive first.

    2. Thats worked thanks so much, do i need to restart in settings or is it good to go?

  36. Great stuff thank again.

    Do you mind if I PM you with an email, as I am new to all this and only had player a week lol? Need help with set up and understanding all the functions and how to set player up to get most out of it?

  37. I have a question.
    Can this walkman support Sylt tag(stream-lyric, sync-lyrics)?

    1. Hey, there's no mention of that in the Walkman's user manual available online, but the player can support .lrc lyric files.

  38. Hello Mr Walkman :-)

    Will there be a new stock firmware by Sony or a new custom Firmware by you for A55 (LB) in the near future?
    Any news about that?

    Or is your DMP-A50 FEv2 Firmware the lastest for now...


  39. I won't talk about plans at the moment, as anything can happen and those plans might not materialize.

    Just keep an eye out for any updates.

  40. Ok sorry for asking.
    I red something about an comming update at

    I only want to be sure that there would not come a newer firmware just after I installed the lastest version.
    Fine if there wont come a newer one atm I ll give it a try.

    1. I didn't say that there will not be a new one :)

      In any case, installing the newer one will be really easy, no worries.

  41. hi, I wanted to ask, is the sound different when using a Bluetooth headset?, for example, can I use the equaliser with the Bluetooth headset?, thanks.

    1. Hey, sound effects don't apply to the BT transmitter, so no effects/settings for BT headsets. That's just how the firmware works.

  42. hello and sorry but could you send a50r fe to me.
    please and really sorry

  43. Is it correct to assume that a person must choose either A50Z or DMP-A50 FEv2 but not both for a NW-A55? If only one can be chosen, how can a person decide?.....I read the aims of each near the top of the page, and they mean nothing to me. Any Help?........TIA

  44. Hello do you have a date for the new project on the nw-A55?

    1. I am sorry, but I won't provide dates. I'm dealing with some personal stuff, so it may take some time.

  45. Great work used the R version initially. Now using A50Z. I miss the display visualizer but it’s okay i guess.
    Can you just put bitrate and music quality info somewhere around artwork?
    And Thankyou so much for the hard work already.

  46. I use the R version, because I need to lowering the bass for my V-Moda M100, the result is incredible, tight, punch, power is all there.
    also I use hd558 and it's really good, far from the original firmware.
    Thank you!

  47. Installed A50Z, sound is incredible now. Thank you.
    Anyone tried with both mod firmware and checked the difference?

    1. io installato feV2..noto un leggero miglioramento, ma minimo. Boooooh, io non noto questa grande differenza. Sarebbe utile avere un file audio di esempio che fa capire la differenze... grazie per i mod comunque !! Apprezzati!!

  48. Good Evening,
    I'm wondering if anyone's run into this issue. I installed the DMP mod prior to the latest update, but I then realized my storage went from 128gb to 12.3GB. I've reverted back to stock and it still has this issue, but hopefully by installing the new version it fixes it. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you

    1. Hey, are you sure you are using a Sony A50? There is no Sony A50 with 128 GB of internal storage.

      In any case, feel free to send me an email, from the "Contact" page.

  49. Hey MrWalkman, could you please bring back the R version? Or please send me a link to it, I really want to try it out and also I think the stock version of my Walkman A55L sounds pretty trash. I wonder how you make these versions, maybe you should make a video and upload it to youtube, who knows? Keep up the good work!!!


    1. Hey, it will be back in the future. The previous R version can cause issues when using the StockRevert package, so for now it's better to not be used.

  50. You can connect the NW-A50 to a pc via usb and then connect a headphone to it via bluetooth. To send music from the pc (foobar2000 etc.) to bluetooth headphones (Sony WH 1000 XM3 etc.)? Thank you.

  51. I'd like to exchange between A50FE2 and A50Z, is necessary to revert to stock or i can direct flashing? thank you in advance, im at 50FE2 atm

    1. Hey, you can find information about this on the FEv2/A50Z page. You need to use the corresponding StockRevert package before you'll be able to flash another firmware.

  52. I need some advice. I have installed everything as per the instructions, and still, I hear no difference at all between the stock firmware, and the mod/classic/plus. Am I doing something wrong?

    1. I have no idea honestly. There are some people who definitely hear a difference (myself included), and some who don't hear a difference at all. I'm working on something else, which will bring a bigger difference, so stay tuned.

    2. Thanks a lot! I'm also planning on upgrading my IEMs, so maybe that'll help. Thanks again!

  53. I want to apply your firmware but message(connect the player to the computer~) pops up and I can't continue it. I already connect the player mass storage mode. I have no idea to do next..

  54. Is there any way to make lyrics work with flac files? I have all of my music in MP3 format just for that.

  55. Hello, just wondering if this firmware will stop the constant rebuilding database everytime you boot up?

    1. Actually, after putting this firmware on my Walkman it does still build the database on boot up but it's so much faster now, so still very much worth it, in fact the overall performance seems to be much faster. Thanks Mr Walkman :)

    2. What firmware did you download?

  56. I would like to try DMP-A50R FE.
    Would you please deliver it again?
    I am looking forward to it!
    Please do your best:)

  57. Equaliser via bluetooth dont work in both custom and original firmware, is there anything you can do?

  58. Thank you for these custom firmwares, this really are the added value of this devices. If it was for sony it would have been a rip off. Anyway, I just realised that one can't EQ sounds if using Bluetooth headphones. It really sucks, because on other Walkman models it works. Is there any Walkaround, man?

    1. Ended up asking him a while back if it was possible to override those restrictions. Said he couldn't do it unless it was open-source code, which it isn't. Unless things changed, that was every bit of 2-3 months ago

  59. Hola, tengo un desafortunado problema :c
    Instalé la versión A50Z en mi walkman A50 y después la quité con el Stock revert y el FirmwareUpdateTool y supuestamente todo bien, pero ahora noto que la batería ya no dura 48 hrs, dura poco más de 24, ¿qué puedo hacer?

    1. En algunos casos se recomienda descargar por completo la pila y luego cargarla al 100, eso en teoría debería de dar solución a ese problema, la verdad yo lo hice y note algo de cambio, pero no llega a las 48 horas, quizás día y medio pero no más.

  60. I applied "DMP-A50 FEv2" to my dap but eq is still 6 band and other sound features not came. Could you help me? How can i made it...

    1. If I'm not mistaken, the firmware that had 10 bands of eq and more sound features was the DMP-A50R FE but it is no longer available

  61. AnonymousMay 15, 2021

    Hope high output setting can be available for nw-a50

    1. It actually was for A50R but due to complications on anything except the A55 it was discontinued and put on hold. High gain was indeed nice. But sense walkman himself has been busy who knows when he'll start getting active again.

    2. Hope it can be made available again. The high gain setting is the only thing missing on my A55

    3. Check the info above, a mod based on the 1A/Z firmware is now available...

  62. Hi Mr.Walkman, just curious. What were some of the features of the (now not available) DMP-A50R FE firmware ?
    Was it the first version of your FEv2 ? What did the DMP-A50R FE firmware have as features ??

    1. Although im not Walkman, i have used the FW. Short and simple it's quite literally the sound signature of the DMP-Z1 with all the small tweaks/settings of the device. That included Hi gain Output, visualizes, 10 band eq, several other settings under sound, and direct source replacing ClearAudio+. But that's only some it. But you lose some of the settings too from the A55. Its not all a win win.

      But all of these settings i believe somehow caused issues and boot loops for some devices. The A55 specifically was the one walkman done his coding on. Somewhere along the lines the A56 and so on didnt go so well.

  63. Hey hey ;) Is it possible to change the English language to a different language, to, let's say, Korean? I'm using your modded software for a couple of months now...very happy with it ;)

  64. Hi Mr Walkman. I'll probably get flamed for asking (!) as I'm a Mac user, but is there any way I can unlock the volume limit using a Mac? I recently got an A55 and the volume is so quiet it's pretty much useless. TIA :)

  65. Can you share the source code ?

  66. I think MrWalkman is gone:(

  67. Any chance about bringing back the audio / volt animation?

  68. Buenas..tengo el walkman a55 y quiero colocar música flac que ya tiene caratula desde el app de music center,cuando paso la música en formato aac si pasan las portadas,pero cuando paso en formato flac no aparecen apesar de que en la aplicación de mi ordenador si se ven...quisiera que me pudieran ayudar..muchas gracias

    1. bro eso te pasa ya que debes de usar el music center y ya que estes dentro de el, importas las canciones desde tu pc a el y vas abriendo album por album y en propiedades te dice que si deseas convertir las portadas y al hacerlos ya todos la musica tendra portadas

    2. There's no need to convert the covers with the custom firmware.

  69. hi Mr Walkman just wondering with the A-30 A-40 And the A-50 Series do you think there ever be a way to change the UI colors? you know like if you have a blue Walkman the UI will be blue.
    would it possible to somehow change it like if you were to install a custom firmware.
    just thought i might ask you.
    Also love Your Work :)

    1. Im not Walkman by any means to take my replies with a grain of salt

      But from my understanding over on the forum, idk about the UI but i hear the icon colors are changeable in the upcoming FWs, also alot of tweaks on sound of course. At the very least its a bit of an accent color so its better than nothing. As for whether it would be possible, idk cant help you there.

  70. Hi having installed midnight V2, can you please advise how to switch between normal and

    1. Hey, using the Hold button when the player starts up, it will start in a Plus mode, or in the Normal mode - you basically put the Hold button in the UP position (or leave it in the DOWN position) and start the player. After the player finished starting, you can use the Hold button as you want, you don't have to keep it in the same UP position.

      You can choose if the Plus mode starts by default (with Hold button DOWN) in the settings file, found in the internal storage, in a folder named "CFW".

      In the same settings file you can choose to use the Plus v2 mode or the Plus v1 mode.

      Just open the file and read the information inside.

  71. Any chance of bringing FM back in later versions of Midnight?
    In spite of that, big thanks to you for making & sharing this firmware!)

    1. Hey,

      Unfortunately, the WM1A/Z firmware doesn't support FM radio at all, and the A50 stock firmware doesn't produce a change in the sound quality as noticeable as the WM1A/Z firmware - because of this, I don't think it's worth spending time on having a stock-based mod.

    2. Alright. Thank again though, love the firmware =)

  72. Hi MrWalkman! I have a rockboxed Xduoo X3 and I'm looking for an upgrade. Is an A55 with your firmware a tangible step further? It would be coupled with a B&W C5 Series 2, B&W P7 and an Etymotic ER4PT with S adapter.

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hey, the A50 easily gets into the $400-$600 area.

    2. I've found an A45 second hand at a very good price. Is there a difference in sound between them with the same custom firmware installed?

    3. About the A50, I was talking about an A50 with the sound quality after installing the firmware.

      I found an A50 second hand at about $100.

      Any difference in sound quality between A30/A40/A50 with the same firmware, is minimal, and most probably not noticeable. Let's say there's virtually no difference.

    4. Yeah, I know you where talking about the A50. I was searching for it when this A45 appeared. The one you found it's at about the same price of the A45 I've found (100€, I'm from Spain), that's why I asked you about the difference in sound quality. Also found a Cowon Plenue D2 at 190€. Is it worth at almost double the price?

    5. I have no idea about the Cowon, but think of this - these Walkman players achieve their sound signature in a pretty big proportion due to the software inside. Now, the A50 can run the WM1A/Z firmware, and with this firmware you have 4 sound signatures available, and each one of them, combined with the 1A/Z firmware, bring greatly improved sound quality when compared to the stock A50 firmware.

      So I'm pretty confident that the cheap A50 is really the better choice. Usually, you buy cheap, it sounds cheap maybe, but this is totally not the case with the A50 and this custom firmware.

      The only thing may be that the Cowon may have higher output power via the headphones output (I didn't check this), though I can easily run my Sony Z7M2 from the A50 - especially as there's no volume limit on EU A50 players with this firmware.

    6. Ok, you convinced me, but I can´t find an A50 at the price you said, only that A45 I mentioned. Are you plannning releasing Walkman One firmware for the A40 series or it's gonna be stuck at Midnight v2?

    7. A40 and A30 will also have this firmware available in the upcoming days.

  73. Hi sir, im trying revert with stock revert within midnight package, 1st the revert package is okay, 2nd the ext tuning say that connect the walkman with usb cable (the walkman still connected and usb transfer mode is on)

    1. Ignore the second package, so it's all good.

  74. Thank you very much, it's really help me in long boring isolated days

  75. Hello sir, i would like to ask something, why is that when i use Bluetooth connection, i cant control the volume on my player anymore. I can only adjust the volume on the speaker.

    I can still remember that i used to control the volume with my player on stock firmware.

    1. Try the "Enhanced" mode for the volume in the "Audio Device Connection Settings".

    2. I already tried it but nothing happened i still cant control the vol using my a55

    3. Unfortunately I have no idea, as I didn't make changes to the BT function.

      Nonetheless, both volumes should work independently of each other, so you should be able to adjust them separately. You could turn up the volume a bit on the speaker and then adjust the volume up or down from the player.

  76. Hi MrWalkman!I really like the Japanese version A55——"LoveLive!Sunshine! limited".The player's special buttons and color are very beautify.
    Is there any way to fresh this limited firmware?
    Thanks a lot!

    1. Hey, unless someone already has this player and contacts me, there's no way of making this available to everyone. If you know someone, redirect them to the contact page on this website please :)

  77. hey mr walkman!
    ive run into a little problem with storage on my a55. i have a 1tb sandisk microsdxc installed. currently i have 260gb of free space. the problem ive run into is that even though ive reached letter R in my artists, my player only displays up to letter P. do you have any idea if the a55 can only load up to so many artists/songs? ive read that the a55 is compatible with up to 2tb microsdxc cards. is this something your firmware could fix? many thanks in advance mate

    1. Hey, as far as I know, there is some limit of about ~50k songs, or maybe more. Unfortunately I can't modify this limit.

  78. Hola MrWalkman hay alguna forma de tener super bajos en el a55, el ecualizador no me termina de convencer siento que le faltan bajos

    1. Hey, unfortunately I can't add new DSP options.

    2. You can use EQ though.

  79. Hey I have a preloved A55 Already with Mr Walkman Firmware...still I tag album artvwith Mp3Tag app on win 10 ...still few files iam unable to view the Album art...why??

    1. Hey, I have no idea what's going on. It should work fine, as it does on my player.

      I suggest installing this latest update, it sounds much better than previous versions.

  80. Hey, I don't keep old versions of firmware.

    Also, the current WM1A/Z-based firmware (Walkman One) sounds a lot better than the A50-stock-based firmware, and it should also be a lot better than the line-out output's sound.

  81. If you set the region to J, other languages are not available than the one that is currently set.

    Check the boot log file to confirm if the region you set is being read correctly from the settings file.

  82. how can i enable plus v2 ?

    1. Hey, you'll find that info in the FAQ section.

  83. Hello, I just bought the NW-A50 and it sounds really good with your firmware! Besides, this is the reason that tipped the scales towards the Sony rather than the Cowon D3 for example. Anything else would there be a way to have the time on the screen of the device?

    1. Hey, I'm glad you like it!

      Unfortunately it's not possible to add the clock on the screen.

  84. Just installed Walkman One on my A55.
    Absolutely love the way it sounds now. The bass is rich and filling. Ability to read jpeg progressive and png saved me a lot of hellish tag time. I can tune the sound any way I want now (from full on thick creamy bass to ear-piercing and hurtful audiophile treble boost)
    Thank you so much for this masterpiece of a firmware!

  85. Hi. How can I play files from a folder AND its subfolders on A55? Can I do this on stock fw? Can I do this on this modded fw?

    1. Hey, you can't do this on neither the stock or the custom firmware.

  86. sometimes a window will pop up and say format can't be played as the song has a minimum of ten seconds left and it will both stop and interupt the song, is there a way to fix this?

    1. Hey, I guess that the player is made to listen to songs. The error sounds like you have some files that have less than 10 seconds of play time. The player app is coded like this, and I can't change it.

    2. The songs are longer than 10 seconds and I may have found out exactly what the problem is and it is a compatibility problem with the sample rate 44.1 with MP3 format songs that are of 320kbps sound quality and I think it could be beneficial to try to look into this one. Also I would like to say that I would know a little something about this kind of thing because I am a DJ on the side and this problem has been hurting my business, because I cannot play my songs all the way through, if you can get this compatibility problem fixed soon, it would be very amazing, thanks.

    3. Unfortunately I don't have access to the player app's source code, so I won't be able to look into it.

      I also have some MP3 files at the same quality on my A55, and I never had issues. You could also try going back to the stock firmware, but I'm not sure if the problem will go away or not.

  87. Hi,
    just installed walkman one firmware, then installed WM1Z external tuning, followed all the instructions as mentioned. But for some reason it shows "external tunning not applied" in unit information section.Then I reverted back to stock and re-did the whole process. But still having the same issue. Am i doing something wrong?
    Thanks in advance

    1. I would recommend checking out the "Tunings_Info.txt" file for more info. You can only apply the corresponding tuning, according to the in-use sound signature.

  88. Hi there. I know that I may sound stupid when I say this but, is there a way to play video files (.mp4) on my A55 Walkman?

    1. Hey, it actually could, and Sony had plans to do that initially. Unfortunately, there's no support for video playback in the released firmware.

    2. Ah I see. Anyways, thanks for the quick reply too!

  89. Hyperion1722December 21, 2021

    I chose first WM1Z but the sound signature was quite flat to me with too much emphasis on the mids. It all went well when I chose Bright.. better than the stock frimware and had not touched yet sound settings (all in default). By the way, I am using Sundara coupled with an old but trusty Fiio E11K as an amp. Many thanks for the firmware.

  90. This is really impressive, and the battery lasting for 3 days is such a great bonus also. I love your work.

    1. Nice, I hope you also like the sound! :)

    2. It's just so good to have all these option really, thank you so much.

  91. Hey, unfortunately that's not really possible.

  92. Hi Sir, i just bought a new unit nw a55. and i install your firmware. I notice battery drain a bit fast. I've never had experience using stock firmware. Need to know is it normal the battery drain a bit fast if using your firmware. Or my unit got battery problem.

    1. Hello, if you use the screen a lot, the battery will drain much faster than normal, and it has nothing to do with the firmware.

      You could try the stock firmware for several days and see how it works.

  93. Thanks for your great work, the firmware is awesome!

    I'm trying to connect my A55 with a WM port to type C cable to a portable DAC&Amp, the sound can get through but the volume is at the maximum volume and it is not possible to change the volume on the DAC when connected this way. Any idea how to reduce the volume?

    1. Hey, in this mode, the player just sends the audio data as is. The volume cannot be adjusted from the player, as the sound is not processed in any way.

  94. hi sir
    my nwa55 was connect computer but installer say connect the player with a usb cable(my mp3 has mass storage device turned on)

    1. Hey, please read the red text at the end of the Walkman One firmware page.

  95. I have updated the FE version and now I can't go back to the original version, when I plug the nw a55 into the computer to receive the connection, when stock, it keeps saying please plug in your device, please help me fix it.
