Saturday, 17 September 2022

New web address & some info about the next update


I've updated the domain name from to 
When accessing the old address, you will be automatically redirected to the new one.

An update to the Walkman One firmware will come at some point. Highlights of this update would be (at least) a new region, called J3, which in my opinion sounds very good (I'm using it for some time already), and a low latency USB DAC mode, enabling us to use our players for watching movies or other real time applications with delay between the video and audio so low that it becomes unnoticeable.

In the meanwhile you can try the J3 region on the WM1A/Z players. You can download a version of Walkman One with the J1, J2, and J3 regions here.

In order to install this you must first use the StockRevert package for the Walkman One firmware in order to get back to the stock firmware. Afterwards you can install this version. The settings file's contents won't be updated, so you won't see J1, J2, and J3 in the list of regions, but you can set it to one of these (it should look like REG=J3, for example). You can also delete the settings file. It will be recreated at the next reboot, and the list of regions will show the new regions.

There are no other builds for other devices at the moment.

Take care.


  1. Thank you for the update!

  2. Can't wait for low-latency DAC update for my A45!

    1. Has this ever been rolled out? Just installed the FW on my A45 tonight but there is still a delay with the DAC.

  3. Hi Mr Walkman, Does this firmware work with the A50 series of players? USB doesnt seem to recognize the application unlike when i updated my unit back to walkman one

    1. You can try to change your region to J3 its works bro..nice sound..

    2. I did install this firmware [ while having the existing walkman one] it pushed through but the region does not detect J3 and it reverted back to just "J" i did revert to stock firmware and tried to install Walkman_One_J123_(07_03) but the USB could not detect my walkman. Am i missing something here?

  4. I hope you can release a low latency dac for zx300 soon..

    1. If that's the only thing you need, you can try and modify your stock firmware with it, as described in the source of this feature:
      I managed to make it work semi-manually for A45, and now waiting for this updates for extra features.

    2. I already have compiled modules of the USB LL mode for all players.

    3. Will you release the compiled module in advanced?

  5. im hyped, cant wait to push my wm1a to the limits

  6. It's not working for the A50 model. I reverted everything back to stock and attempted to install the Walkman_One_J123_(07_03 firmware but it keeps asking me to connect my player to a USB cable despite the player connected already

    1. It is mentioned that it's only for WM1A/Z.

    2. Thank you for the clarification. I hope you can make this work for the A50 series

  7. Where can I find old modded firmware for nw-a30/35? Would want to install firmware with upgraded sound sig but still with VPT surround. Thank you ver much

  8. Can’t wait for low-latency USB DAC mode, I use the USB DAC function a lot and it’s kinda disturbing when the audio literally delayed an entire second. Btw does this also mean ASIO gonna work?

  9. Waiting for the new firmware!

  10. That's exciting news. Thank you for still working ln the updates ^^

  11. Can't wait for the new firmware! Are you still working on it?

  12. thx for your awesome when will it release?
    thx a lot!

  13. Does Zx300 have lineout? I want to fair zx300 with deskamp to use with my fullsize planar but someone said zx300 doesnt have lineout :(

  14. will there be a high gain mode for a55 players? thank you

  15. Looking forward to the LL DAC mode. Thanks a lot for keep updating and testing!

  16. When will this new region customization come to other devices?
